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I know there’s a mimic in the room. This is how they hunt now. No more disguising themselves as treasures and trinkets. They’ve learned to tap the deepest impulses of our brain: the part that twitches when it sees a shelf of perfectly aligned books with a single spine jutting out, or a lone brick askew in a perfect grid. I know there’s a mimic in this room. The walls are lined with orderly alcoves bearing the skulls of its victims. but there’s one missing from its place. And as I step closer to examine it despite my instincts screaming not to, I already know it’s mine. PS: My new book featuring 50 all-new micro-stories just came out! It's my first book with a bigger publisher and I'd love if you could check it out!
Short story written by Peter Chiykowski
website twitter facebook instagramStory prompt taken from a photo by Michal Pechardo
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